Friday, January 20, 2017

Update: still want to get married in New Orleans! But nana was just diagnosed with breast cancer, and Adam's sister is pregnant. So, we're really sort of in a corner here. If we wait too long, nana might not be there, if we do it too soon, his sister might not be there. Obviously, we want them both there. stay tuned.
As of December 13th, I am engaged! We've been together 5 and a half years and in that time, we've watched his older sister get married, have a kid, and buy a house. We've had a new president, we've moved to another state and back, I've had more jobs that you can fit on one hand. I've graduated college, and we've moved 4 times. We've been through so much. I'm so happy to be engaged to my best friend. Perhaps how we met is a story for another day. This blog is about the road to the alter, as cliche as that sounds. You grow up dreaming of this day, in one way or another. I was the type of girl that didn't want to jinx it by making a pinterest board and planning it out. I had ideas, themes, what have you, but the rest is a giant question mark. one thing I know- I want to get married in new orleans.